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•Try: When an attacking player is first to ground the ball in the opponents’ in-goal, a try is scored. This gives your team 5 points.

•Penalty Try: If a player would probably have scored a try but for foul play by an opponent, a penalty try is awarded between the goal posts. This gives your team 5 points

•Conversion Goal: When a player scores a try it gives the player’s team the right to attempt to score a goal by taking a kick at goal; this also applies to a penalty try. This kick is a conversion kick: a conversion kick can be a place kick or a drop kick. This gives your team 2 points.

•Penalty Goal. A player scores a penalty goal by kicking a goal from a penalty kick. This gives your team 3 points.

•Drop Goal: A player scores a dropped goal by kicking a goal from a drop kick in general play. The team awarded a free kick cannot score a dropped goal until the ball next becomes dead, or until an opponent has played or touched it, or has tackled the ball carrier. This restriction applies also to a scrum taken instead of a free kick. This gives your team 3 points.

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