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Touch judge and assistant referee

Assistant referees are appointed by the union in charge of the fixture. They are either themselves qualified referees or qualified assistant referees. Assistant referees may be asked to help with duties that touch judges cannot. Touch judges are normally supplied by the teams playing, one from each team.

  • Before the match an assistant referee may be asked to check the studs and clothing of the players. A touch judge is not permitted to do this.

During the match

During the game touch judges and assistant referees must:

  • Stand one on each side of the field except for kicks at goal.

  • Indicate when the ball or player carrying the ball is out and what team can throw it in.

  • Indicate if the ball has re-entered the playing field illegally.

  • Indicate if a kick at goal has been successful. 

Additional responsibilities of assistant referees:
  • Must report foul play to the referee and give an opinion on the sanction for the incident.

  • Rule on the scoring of a try if asked.

  • Give referee information on any other aspect of the game if asked and using communication gear.

  • May be asked to keep score and time. Although responsibility is still with the referee to do this.

  • May be asked to control substitutions.

After the match

A touch judge has no responsibilities after a match. The only responsibility an assistant referee has is to complete a written report to send to the referee that is then sent to the union in charge of the game. The report is only required if a player has been sent off or temporarily suspended because of their report on foul play.

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